Tips for Staying Stylish on a Budget

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As we are fully into the fall/winter season many of us have also shifted our wardrobes accordingly. With a new season, come new fashion trends, and it can sometimes feel like we need to buy a ton of new items to look up-to-date and stylish. However, that’s not required at all. In this post I'm sharing some budget-friendly ways to maintain and update your style, while also keeping the coins in check.

Personal Style is Key

I would say that this is the foundational, number-one strategy to maintaining style in a budget-friendly way. "How?", you may ask? Well, knowing your style and what you like to wear is the filter that you can use to select the items you buy. When you know your style, you're empowered to say "no" to items you know you don't need or wouldn't gain a good cost-per-wear, and which items to say can consider purchasing. Investing in getting to know my personal style has benefited me not only in terms of being able to coordinate my pieces more easily and have more cohesion in my wardrobe, but it has also saved me money and time by not having to return or exchange items as often. Also, by knowing the items that work well with how I like to dress, it's become easier to determine if I'll get a good "cost-per-wear" (ie: the amount of times an item is/will be worn vs. the cost), and avoid purchasing items that I would end up not really wearing. It may take some time and effort, but pin-pointing your own style is definitely beneficial.

(P.s: I'm working on a post about identifying your personal style, so keep an eye out for that :D )

Re-style & Up-Cycle

I'm a trend watcher. It's probably one of my most favourite parts of fashion and styling. I like to see the changes that occur with each season, and how designers can create new iterations of even the most timeless pieces. Trend reports are also a great resource for me to use to gain inspiration and see me wardrobe with a fresh perspective; using trends as a means to see the new possibilities with pieces I own. Sometimes, it's learning new ways of combining my pieces, or identifying alterations or styling changes I can make to an older item to update it.

Thrift stores, of course, offer the opportunity to get something new at a great discount. Plus, you can choose pieces that you can update or DIY into something more modern.

Get Inspired

This point ties in with the previous one. To me, style isn’t about the price or label on the pieces you wear, but it’s about how you style items in a way that speaks to your individual sense of creativity. But what does one do if the creativity one wants to express includes items that are outside the budget?

Well, what I like is that there’s nothing stopping to stop me from browsing the latest designer pieces and then keep an eye out for pieces from other stores, like Zara or H&M, that reflect the aesthetic of my favourite designers. So, even if you may not have the coin to get that exact item, you can still reflect the look of that item. For example, if a quilted Chanel crossbody is outside my budget, then I can look for a crossbody purse that has quilted leather to reflect the style of the designer purse.

(*Note: I’m not advocating for designer knock-offs, posing as the original thing. I’m referring to pieces that reflect the look or overall aesthetic, not a replica of the designer piece because I believe the designer should get the remuneration for their designs, work, and creativity.)


Accessories are an easy, coin-friendly way to freshen up your outfits or try out a trend, especially if you're on the fence about having a trending colour or print as as a staple piece in your wardrobe. Accessories offer the ability to incorporate a trend into your own wardrobe so you can see how it would work with your outfits, and if you like how it works out, then you can consider a more staple item, like a top or pair of pants. For example, leather pieces are it for Fall/Winter 2020, but you could try out the trend first with a leather accessory, like a hair scrunchie or headband, before considering a more statement item like a dress or shirt.

From jewelry and purses, to hats and scarves; accessories offer a myriad of ways to incorporate trends and try out colours, patterns, and trends with your wardrobe items.

No Rush

Trends come and go; fashion trends are quite cyclical. A style of blouse that is popular now, will likely be popular again at some point. If a 70’s esthetic is trending now, then it will trend again in a few years. My point is to not feel pressured to keep up with every new thing that comes out. I like to give myself about a week (or even a few weeks) to really consider if an item is something that would work for me. Sometimes, I find that I forget about the item after a few days, or I discover how I can achieve a similar style with something I already have. If I still prefer to get the item, then I know it is because I truly want to, not because of trying to "keep up". There's nothing wrong with buying new clothes, but in this world where it is so easy to compare what yourself to others or feel like you need to have the "latest and greatest", it can be easy to focus more on "fitting in" rather than being yourself.

I say all that to say that fashion is a tool to express who you were created to be, and being authentic to yourself will never be out of style. I hope these ideas help you in reflecting your personal style, while being friendly to your budget.

Peace and Blessings,


What's your favourite fashion season?

I'll start! I'm all for definitely fall/winter style, mainly fall though because I don't like cold weather, lol.

Let me know your favourite season in the comments!


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