Top 5 : Podcasts

One thing I like about my work commute is that I can take a class or two at Podcast University. From sermons to encourage in this faith journey with the LORD, to learning about business, self-development, and money management; there are many courses available at Podcast U.

These days, where life as usual has been disrupted and we have a little more down time, I've been listening to podcasts more often. In this "Top 5" post, I'm sharing 5 podcasts I listen to. Enjoy!

Blessed & Bossed Up

Hosted by Tatum Temia, Blessed and Bossed Up is like a weekly coffee check-in with your straight-talkin' American cousin. Tatum discusses faith and navigating the realm of business God's way; while also sharing her journey in entrepreneurship. What I like most is how applicable the discussions are to navigating life as a Christian in the marketplace. Most of us will work in a secular environment, but we can still live true and authentic to the LORD and not compromise. I've found that this podcast has been an encouragement (and strategy provider) of how to do that.

Clever Girl Finance

Whether you want more financial information, or just need some encouragement in your personal finance journey, Clever Girl Finance is the podcast for you. Hosted by the founder of Clever Girl Finance, Bola Sokunbi, this podcast features weekly financial advice, discussions on personal financial management, and interviews with women who are making strides towards accomplishing their financial goals.

Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

Now, this podcast will challenge you boss-up, even if you aren't "the boss". The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast discusses a myriad of issues that occur within organizations, as well as strategies and concepts that can be applied to support the healthy functioning of your organization. This podcast isn't just for those who lead in an organization, Craig also discusses things in a way that can be applied to all levels in an organization. In summary, you'll gain some good tools to be a blessing in your workplace, ministry, or other area of influence.

Daily Audio Bible

2019 was the first year I followed the Daily Audio Bible podcast, and this year, I've added the Chronological reading podcast as well. Through listening to the Bible, there have been times where I've gotten new insight into passages I've read tons of times before, but listening to the passage helped me pick up things I normally wouldn't have by reading only. Of course, there are many daily audio Bible podcasts out there, so you can choose the one you prefer, and get you a daily dose of the Living Word.

*Disclaimer: Y'all, a daily audio Bible plan is no replacement for reading and studying- it's just a supplement. Be sure to read and study the Bible on your own, too!

Church Sermons

Podcasts are a great way to listen to sermons from other churches, and re-visit sermons from your home church. Nowadays, the resources available to help us grow in our faith and Biblical understanding are numerous, so, get plugged in!

Do you plan to check out any of the podcasts I've mentioned? Leave a comment below sharing which one(s) you plan to listen to.


Top 5 : PODCASTS (Part 2)